The Insider’s Manual to Carpet Cleaning – Tips & Tricks For Spotless Floors

There is nothing better than walking barefoot in a carpet that’s been cleaned. How to keep those fibers fresh. This is another story. We will now dive straight into tips and tricks that can keep your carpets clean and spick-and-span!

The old vacuum cleaner is the first thing to mention. Your best friend can become your worst nemesis if it is neglected. It is important to maintain this device by emptying or checking the canisters and bags frequently. What’s a vacuum cleaner if it doesn’t work at full capacity? Also, change the vacuuming pattern. Switch directions to collect every bit of dust.

You’ve probably spilled a little wine or some juice on the carpet. Before you know it you are scrubbing madly. Rookie mistake! Blot, don’t rub. To absorb the liquid, press the clean cloth gently onto the spot. Mix water with club soda or white vinegar. It’s true, blotting can keep a stain from becoming a major focal point.

The adorable pets can pose a serious challenge when it comes to carpet cleaning. If Fluffy decides she needs to make an accident, then use an enzymatic cleaning product. These are specially formulated formulas which break down the protein in pet urine. This formula does not only remove the stain from the carpet, but it also removes any odors. Use a lint rolling. Use your lint roller! Amazingly effective in removing pet fur from carpet fibers before they can penetrate deep.

So you’ve wandered into a garage sale and purchased a vintage carpet. Amazing find! How can I clean this find without ruining the treasure? First, vacuum both sides. Create a mild detergent solution by mixing dish soap and hot water. To be sure that the rug will not be damaged, first test it on a small, unnoticeable corner. It is better to clean the rug in smaller sections. Do not soak it, but dampen only.

Sometimes, the smell of a freshly cleaned carpet can be as soothing as its appearance. Spreading baking soda onto your carpet for 15 minute, vacuuming up the residue, can do wonders. It’s an easy way to neutralize odors. Also, don’t underestimate the power a deodorizer can have. You can find them in all sizes and types, ranging from sprays up to plug-ins.

Move furniture around to avoid those pesky dents. Ice cubes will save you! Place a small ice cube in the dent. Let the ice melt, then use a large spoon to fluff out the fibers. It will look like the heavy armchair has never been there.

Got kids? It’s true that even adults will track in dirt. If you place mats by the entryways, they can collect most of the dirt. You should make it a regular habit to take off your shoes in the house. Simple habits are a great way to reduce the amount and type of dirt that gets on your carpet.

What if you have a tough stain which just won’t budge at all? A professional may be needed at certain times. A professional carpet cleaning service can restore your flooring to a level that is impossible with DIY. Deal with stains quickly to avoid permanent damages.

Location is sometimes important. In areas of high traffic, you should pay more attention. Consider your hallways, living room and bedrooms as frontlines of the dirt war. You will see your carpets thanking you for focusing more on these zones.

Allergy sufferers should vacuum more often. HEPA-filter vacuum cleaners are useful for capturing very small particles. This step not only makes your home clean, it also makes everyone healthier.

You can try steam cleaning once or twice a year. Do not steam clean too frequently; once a yearly is sufficient. You don’t wish to damage the carpet. Steam cleaning lifts dirt from the carpet and renews its fibers. It is possible to have too much of something good.

Final tip: Enjoy the process. Turn on some music or enlist help from the family. The chore becomes less monotonous. It’ll be a carpet you can relax on, and that is not just clean.


Carpet Cleaners North Shore
119 Fiddens Wharf Rd, Killara NSW 2071
(02) 8310 7640

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